Monday, October 13, 2014

Arielle's new Apron.

Well it's been school holidays over here in New Zealand. We had out dear granddaughter Arielle staying with us, and she thought it was a good time to make a new apron, so here it is. Arielle is 6, and is loving staying at both her Nana's over the holiday time.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

All done!

Finally finished the sewing room. I've inserted updated pictures of my completed sewing room in the last post. Scroll down to see if you are interested. Now to get to work in it!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

New sewing room do up!

So I'm giving my sewing room a do up.  I've been painting, making new curtains, sewing and painting containers, I haven't finished yet but thought I'd give you a sneak preview of how I'm doing so far.  Hope you enjoy.  Can't wait till it's all done!

Yay, pretty much finished my sewing room now. It's only tiny, but with lots of shelving I can squeeze everything in, sort of !